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Team Building

In this program, employees analyze what behaviors contribute to a successful team. They list the attributes that they have which contributes to the team’s success, then share those attributes with their team. The participants also analyze what kinds of behavior damage a team’s success. An example of behavior that damages a team’s success is gossip.

Employees analyze key motivators for team members and share with their team members and supervisor what their needs are from the team and supervisor. They relate to team members and their supervisor, what behaviors will motivate them, and what behaviors will demotivate them.

A model for effective team communications is discussed and team members analyze what communication styles lead them to ineffective responses. Using this model employees also commit to communicating with team members using data and facts, rather than emotions and righteous opinions. Employees learn to appreciate how different communication styles contribute to the teams success.

Team members create a code of conduct that they are willing to commit to and carry back to their work environment.

This multi-media program including participant textbooks, DVD with video examples, job aids, and personal coaching plans. All materials are available in English and Spanish.