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Shades of Harassment

Discrimination, harassment and retaliation complaints are rising at 20% to 29% per year. Wrongful termination claims top the list, followed by pregnancy discrimination, disability discrimination (and failure to accommodate), race discrimination, gender-based harassment, and medical condition discrimination. “Diversity” training programs are failing.

The Parallax Education training programs are industry-specific, to the Foodservice/Hospitality industry, the Transportation/Manufacturing industry, and to the General Office setting. All student materials are customized with the client’s logos, policies on harassment and discrimination, computer usage policies, non-fraternization policies and investigation procedures.

Shades of Harassment programs help educate both supervisors and employees to the subtleties of workplace harassment, and test employees to prove that they know where to turn for help if they have an issue with workplace harassment. The Parallax Education staff follow up with every person who scores below 80%, provides one-on-one counseling, and keeps all tests on file for three years.

This multi-media program including participant textbooks, DVD with video examples, job aids, and personal coaching plans. All materials are available in English and Spanish.